Monday, February 7, 2011

Holding On Tight To Technology

As time has gone on, technology has grown and their is definitely more of a upside to the growth and expansion of technology then their is a negative side. When not looking at our country and many first world or second world countries you have to wonder when poverty stricken countries do climb out of their whole they will be seeking to be at a similar technological level like everyone else. I've been to a few third world countries and they desire to be like Americans, they want the big cars, the kitchen appliances, iPods, computers etc. Being specific in the United States only i don't think we'll see people giving up on things they want for the environment anytime soon. Many things that I've heard immigrants say they love about Americans is that they love the idea of "we get what we want".

I think technology helps more than hurt and that technology is more of an answer than the problem when it comes to decaying of the environment. Its humans to blame for using it the way we do as well as wasting materials that pollute the atmosphere, local marine life etc. 30-40 years ago technology allowed us to go into space, I'm pretty sure we can get the technology to help products be reusable and such but then again their are people working around the clock to help the world but its "politics" which mess it up. At the end of the day its people in government who we have to convince as they have the overruling power over the land. If we can get our leaders to understand and comprehend the problem and needs then people will follow, it be a good to time to play "follow the leader".

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