Monday, January 31, 2011

Growing to Sustain

"We can't live with growth, and we can't live without it". This is quoted from Thomas Homer Dixon who believes its not possible to grow economically while sustaining the environment. It seems that those who care about the environment are split into two groups, those who say theirs no hope and those who want to help. This article did not show any signs or solutions to the problem but just on-going ranting on how the people of this century need resources that have effected climate change to grow. He says that 2.7 billion people live on $2 a day and that those countries which this type of poverty exists need to use money and energy to pay off debt. Poverty and the environment is an issue but poverty has always existed and unfortunately their are many circumstances where nations do waste money and people have to suffer but that's why their are scientists and researchers and teams that are hired to solve problems.

Its guys like this who make non-believers in environmental change stay the same. As time goes on the advancement in technology grows and their are solutions into using our resources that won't hurt the environment but like everything in life it needs money. Certain government spend money well and usefully but the U.S in the past decade has put billions of dollars into war which has put a negative stigma against the United States. With reforms going on all over the world and especially in the Middle East who says the U.S can't have one for ourselves? A protest, a revolution, one that will change and help the environment and the people.

"Humanity has made great strides over the past 2,000 years, and we often assume that our path, notwithstanding a few bumps along the way, goes ever upward. But we are wrong: Within this century, environmental and resource constraints will likely bring global economic growth to a halt". Who's to say that we can't keep going upward? The topic of environment and many other ones in the United States are usually seen negatively if their cannot be an immediate impact, many give up right away but good things come in time. Reconstruction after the Civil War took 14 years, all is not lost.

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