Monday, February 14, 2011

Stepping In

I think its best if the government isn't a actor is any energy industry. Its great to see that the new budget for next year and how the oil companies will net get help from the government. There's a rift between policy makers and environmentalists on what seems to more important the economy or the environment. Many people fear that all sorts of energy will not receive aid anymore but as of now it isn't the case for the Obama administration. He supports tax treatment for wind and solar power and a 50% increase in federal research spending on alternative energy resources.

In Obama's recent State of the Union Address we saw him talk about a lot about being competitive with China. He also mentioned putting more investments into clean-energy technology as he said he expects American's to have about 1 million electric cars on the road, and to have 80% of the country using clean-energy resources by 2035.

While these are all great goals for the future, some might argue whether their realistic or not but in my opinion its great to see the President come out with goals that will help better the environmental industry. Knowing that the leader of a country wants alternative source for energy will hopefully help policy makers shift away from fossil fuels and look for cleaner things. In the past 10 years we've been distracted by war, terror, and a recession but now is the time to stand up and start looking at real life, everyday problems. The problems that will effect the future around us, yeah their is going to be a chance that terrorists might attack but its been 10 years and we have top notch annalists and security to handle that. Its time to keep the money within the economy, cut down on hazardous investments, and time for the government to help save the country as well as the environment.

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