Monday, April 11, 2011


The book gave a very authentic and original look at the environment and they give some interesting examples on how small things in the house can become big problems. The introduction to the book talks about the home environment but they choose certain objects within it and in a way show a drastic/emotional look at how it can be harmful. They mention how the computer in the house is toxic and it will eventually be burned out and when they throw it out the computer will release its toxins into the environment, the dust from the printer is toxic. They looked at alot of things in a cradle to cradle view and with every object even when it will be disposed the authors talk about how that product will be in another cycle after-wards. The authors also talked or referred to down cycling which is the process of taking old wasted products and making them into new ones.

This book can be a source for many different professionals as they cover different topics from consumption, talk about values of technology, environmental protection and talk about the industrialists. McDonough and Braungart express

there arguments


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